Why is Carl Jung dancing in the Streets of Death? Because one of his favorites among the living—artist James Magee, the creator of the colossal desert stonework, The Hill, and “the alleged” anima incarnate of the mysterious artist Annabel Livermore—has concocted this brew of poems and letters from the lands of Ordinary and Surreal. The poems flutter like butterflies from his imagination as he creates large steel assemblages. Weirdly, Letters to Goya are found pieces from 1955, from the rickety typewriter of the Duchess of Alba, who in (sur)real life is an old lady who wheel-chairs around the Waikiki Trailer Park in Sweetwater, Texas. Are the letters real? Well, yes. And no!
Published by Cinco Puntos Press, Letters to Goya / Titles | Titles / Letters to Goya's design was unusual because, well, it has two titles, but also two covers and can be opened from either side. One cover, Letters to Goya, is portrait-oriented, the other, Titles, is landscape-oriented. When the reader finishes reading one, they will encounter a "Middleword" inside designating it is now time to rotate the book (and their mindsets) for the next experience. 
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